
We have received many emails concerning similar subjects hence this FAQ.

Our Tounaments

Q. I don’t speak French can I still play a tournament?

A. Yes – you are most welcome, many of our players speak Italian and English

Q. I don’t play the French five-card major system can I still play a tournament?

A. Yes – A pair may play any bidding convention & playing style. Please advise your opponents and alert your convention bids.

Q. I don’t have a partner can I just show up?

A. Yes – if someone else shows up on their own we would invite you to play with them. You can also try to contact us in advance to see if someone might be looking for a partner. To avoid creating a “sit-out” it may be possible to play with the arbitrator but generally the arbitrator will not create a 1/2 table.

Q. I have a partner can we just show up?

A. Yes – although for our Wednesday afternoon  tournament please book as places are limited. Please do try to be a  little early.

Our Lessons

Q. Do you offer lessons in English, Italian or in any other language?

A. No we only offer group lessons in French and we teach the French SEF system.

Q. Can I join a course once it has started.

A. This will depend on your level and on the person giving the course – please contact us

Q. Can you arrange private lessons

A. No we only offer group lessons – individual lessons would actually be quite sterile and boring as you need to play the cards that demonstrate the subject being taught.

Q. Can you help me find a bridge teacher that speaks a language other than French?

A. No we  are not able to recommend any private bridge teachers

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